About me
Economics and legal matters appeal to me. Since my Business Administration studies I am involved in the world of international companies. I am particularly interested in the complexity of human resources topics, especially in connection with payroll, labor, wage tax or social security law or special topics such as international assignments or attachment of wages or salary.
In the HR-Area, even before the establishment of my business, Sabine Katzmair – Payroll Specialist & Consultant, it has already been my declared aim to responsibly implement processes and thus to establish long-term and legally compliant sustainable solutions and improvements in the entire company. Since the beginning of my career I have, apart from growing tasks in the payroll area, always assumed responsibility in terms of personnel matters as well as for education and training. As a coach and trainer I now comprehensively and reliably impart payroll knowhow in my Seminars.
Experience abroad, intercultural competence and long-lasting professional experience make it possible for me to be able to work at a very high level in coaching numerous renowned companies in any payroll matter. People are always the forefront in my philosophy. Also in daily routine, open communication, mutual trust and a relationship based on equality are fundamental pillars for me to achieve successful results.
My Expertise:
- broad work experience in operational Human Resources
- enjoys analyzing complex payroll issues
- instructor and trainer
- intercultural competence and coaching skills
- business-fluent English
- familiar with processes in internationally operating companies
- sound accounting knowhow and HR/Finance interface knowledge
- experienced in process optimization to reduce costs and increase efficiency
- comprehensive knowledge of SAP HCM, P&I LOGA, DATEV Wage and Salary, DATEV LODAS, PAISY
- tax audit and pension audit experience
Thorough knowledge in:
- wage tax law
- wage garnishment law
- social security law
- income tax law
- international tax regulations
- German labor law
- Collective bargaining law
- company law
- commercial law
- bankruptcy law
- Austrian labor-, wage tax- and social security law