The Online Payroll Academy

Starting the Payroll Online Academy – Learn German Payroll in English language!

‘I’ll be back!

with this catchphrase of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie ‘The Terminator’ I will start new services in 2024!
One year delayed, but still motivated I am starting the payroll online academy, offering online courses and live webinars in English language to train and inform international payroll, HR and accounting people on German Payroll topics!

Due to home office opportunities and working on the road, also the payroll world comes closer together and payroll people work more and more across boarders. To speak English is now a Must also in German payroll.

But also more international staff works with German payroll providers or international personell in Germany and have questions on payroll necessities, such as e.g. payslip or the gross-to-net-calculation.

What I offer in the new Payroll Online Academy?
Please have a first look!  More trainings are up to come! Let me know, what you are interested in!

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